Special Thanksgiving Edition! The Outliers- Today's World Changers: Leo & Nancy Martin

one month ago

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Legacy. Who will remember you and give tribute to what you have contributed to a robust, free society after you are gone? Civilization's bygone heroes always need someone to tell their tales. Leo and Nancy Martin are not worried about their own legacy. An amazing couple who recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, who instead of basking in the prime of retirement, have dedicated their lives to telling what is arguably the most important story in our Nation's history that of The Mayflower Pilgrims. Leo and Nancy run the Jenney Museum, giving guided Christian tours of historic Plymouth, Massachusetts, and most importantly, tours of the best-kept secret in America: the Forefather's Monument. It is the largest granite monument in America. This Pilgrim memorial was constructed with great care at the behest of the citizens of Plymouth to keep the memory of who the Pilgrim's were, alive and tell the story of what made America so vastly different from all other countries and governments the world over. Leo and Nancy host buses full of adults and children, as well as wandering tourists to the beautiful coastal town of Plymouth, telling the amazing true Christian history that helped form America as a city on the hill for all freedom lovers to look to. This Thanksgiving week, join us for a special edition of the Outliers giving homage to those who have gone before and those living legacies of world changers such as Leo and Nancy. Learn More and Connect with Leo and Nancy: https://www.resistancechicks.com/outliers-leo-nancy/

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