Constitution Party Vows to DESTROY Democrats Through Abortion Ads
About 4 weeks ago
Click here to downloadAlex Newman
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Alex Newman is joined by the Constitution Party's presidential nominee, Randall Terry. Randall illustrates the plan in action to dismantle the DNC by removing both the black and Catholic vote by revealing the true horror of abortion! Afterwards, Alex is joined by Dr. Rima Laibow to break the narrative about the global oligarchs' involvement with the United Nations; they are truly nefarious. Lastly, The Liberty Sentinel's very own Chief of Opetations, Andrew Muller, joins the program to shine light on our nation's founding story—and how the left has tarnished it. The current administration is DESTROYING the dollar. Protect your wealth by investing in gold and silver! Use this link to get up to $10,000 in FREE Silver: Https:// Let them know Mike sent you! Scientists recently discovered a little-known nutrient that dramatically reduces joint pain, fights inflammation and improves your joint, heart and brain health... in as little as 7 days… The best part? Unlike Ibuprofen and painkillers, this food has no side effects In fact, just the opposite: it ALSO protects your heart and helps prevent memory loss... Learn more here⇒ Https:// Go to and use the promo code L66 to save up to 66% off My Pillow products and support the FrankSpeech Network.
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