Defending Colorado: Candace Stutzriem's Fight Against Ranked Choice Voting

About 2 weeks ago

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Segment One: The Dangers of Ranked Choice Voting
Candace Stutzriem explains why Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is detrimental to Colorado, highlighting voter confusion, lower turnout, and unfair results. She emphasizes how RCV complicates the voting process and threatens electoral integrity.

Segment Two: Who’s Pushing Ranked Choice Voting?
Candace uncovers the special interest groups and out-of-state influencers behind the push for RCV in Colorado. She reveals their motivations and how they benefit from changing the state's voting system.

Segment Three: Taking a Stand Against Ranked Choice Voting
Candace provides actionable steps for opposing RCV in Colorado. She encourages viewers to join grassroots efforts, contact legislators, and raise awareness to protect fair elections.


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