Jason Conway Interview - Modesto Gospel Mission - OvercomersTV.Live #395 | FrankSpeech

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Jason Conway has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Modesto Gospel Mission since March 2019; before that, he served as the Mission's Interim Executive Director since July 2017. Jason became homeless in 2007 as a young man addicted to alcohol and drugs and came to the Mission and joined its 18-month New Life Program. After graduation from the program, he was hired by the Mission to work in the Operations department, and worked there continuously ever since, rising through the ranks as a dishwasher, supervisor, manager, and Director of Operations. He also completed his Bachelor’s Degree in Business from Liberty University during this time. Jason is resolute in his desire to serve the homeless and the greater community, motivated by his testimony of transformation through Jesus Christ. Jason is married and has a young son in grade school.
And this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith...


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