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Planned Parenthood Spends $40M For Joe Biden Re-election:
Dr. Chaps reports on the controversial decision by Planned Parenthood to allocate $40 million towards Joe Biden's re-election campaign, raising concerns about the use of taxpayer money for political purposes. This segment will delve into the implications of such funding, the strategic reasons behind it, and the potential impact on the upcoming election. Dr. Chaps will discern the spirits and offer prayers for transparency and accountability in the political process.
Clayton Butcher and Cross Current Streaming Service:
Dr. Chaps interviews Clayton Butcher at the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) convention in Nashville. They discuss the launch and growth of Cross Current, a Christian streaming service that provides faith-based content. The segment will cover the mission of Cross Current, its impact on media consumption within the Christian community, and future plans for the platform. Dr. Chaps will discern the spirits and pray for the success and positive influence of Cross Current.
Dr. Chaps reads and responds to letters from viewers, addressing their concerns, questions, and testimonies. This segment aims to engage the audience by providing thoughtful responses and spiritual guidance. Dr. Chaps will discern the spirits in the letters and offer prayers for the needs and intentions of the viewers.
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