Jason Koppen Interview - Indian Bible College - OvercomersTV.Live #381
5 months ago
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Indian Bible College exists to disciple and educate Indigenous Native Christians for lifetimes of biblical ministry and spiritual leadership to their people and the world
Originally intending to be a medical missionary, Dr. Jason Koppen has been a youth pastor, senior pastor, and church planter. His life-long burden for cross-cultural ministry has found fulfillment at the Indian Bible College in Flagstaff, Arizona, where he has served as President for 16 years. The Indian Bible College has trained Native Americans for Christian leadership for over 65 years and is committed to seeing Native America cease to be the mission field and join the global mission force. Jason leads SOMA, a multi-ethnic cell church. He is married to his best friend, Sarah, and has four teenage children.
And this is the victory that has overcome the world our faith...
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