Dr. Greg Hawkins Interview - Hope Hollow Ministries - OvercomersTV.Live - #283

About a year ago

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Dr. Greg Hawkins is the Executive Director at Hope Hollow Ministries.  He is passionate about the opportunity to serve in this capacity at Hope Hollow and brings professional experience as a youth pastor and long-time University administrator.  

Sensing a call to ministry he pursued a Biblical Studies degree from Belhaven University and graduated in 2005.  Following his graduation from Belhaven he served as a Youth Pastor in the Southeast before pivoting from the church to work as a university administrator in Christian Higher Education.  He completed his M.A. in Higher Education from Geneva College in 2011.  In 2018 he received his Ph.D. in Higher Education from Azusa Pacific University.

As Executive Director, Greg works to ensure that Hope Hollow’s mission is promoted by enriching the lives of children and young adults touched by disability by providing fun, meaningful camps and programs in a Christian environment filled with love, adventure, compassion, and fellowship.

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