Peter Serefine
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I'm Peter Serefine with this week's Liberty Minute. This week's Liberty Minute is not going to be political news. This Liberty Minute is a personal plea to help a friend. On Thursday, December 22nd, my friend, single mother, and coworker was injured. Jen is a part-time rural mail carrier. She was delivering a package last Thursday when she slipped on ice, fell, hit her head, and was knocked unconscious. An ambulance came and called for life flight. Life flight was grounded because of the snowstorm, so Jen was transported two hours away by ambulance. She was hospitalized but was released in time to be home with her kids for Christmas. Yesterday, she was slurring her words and was again hospitalized. That is the last update I have on her condition. As a part-time carrier, Jen has no benefits. She will eventually be paid a little something by workers' comp, but who knows how long that will take. I am asking you to reach into that spirit of giving that comes with the holiday season and help my friend if you can. Any donations received through my website,, will go to Jen and her kids to fill the gap before workers' comp pays her anything. If you can, please go to and donate to my friend.
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