Bringin' It Backwards: Interview with Celeste Arrazolo

About a year ago

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Bringin' it Backwards

12 Subscribers

We had the pleasure of interviewing Celeste Arrazolo over Zoom video!

Celeste Arrazolo "Damaged Goods" Houston, Texas singer Celeste Arrazolo released her third single Damaged Goods. With a sound inspired by the golden age of Chopped and Screwed Music, she pushes the boundaries with emotional songwriting and passionate vocal delivery.

On this release, you will hear Arrazolo harmonizing about being "Damaged Goods" and someone who wants loved but left alone. Her creative word play and heavy hitting punch lines, propels the Texas natives vocals to new heights. You can hear strength and pain in her voice as she fights to not let her past control her future. The most impressive thing about this release, is the unique sound this songstress has created. The ethereal beat, is bliss when paired with her immense talent. She set out to make classic sounding record, and she nailed it!

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