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We had the pleasure of interviewing Cayucas over Zoom!
This indie-pop band is formerly known as Oregon Bike Trails. Cayucas lays its roots in Santa Monica in California started in 2012 when they signed to Secretly Canadian. This band is composed of an iconic duo which includes Zach Yudin with his twin brother, Ben Yudin.
It was the year 2011 when the musician first released their debut single under the name of Oregon Bike Trails associated with the recording company Father/Daughter Records. A year later, from going solo, Yudin decided to change the name of the group, switching it to Cayucas eventually signing with Secretly Canadian record label. As they flourish, they have decided to release a single entitled Swimsuit and scheduled a tour in collaboration with Ra Ra Riot in 2013.
Cayucas left their fans hooked to their music creating a bright and melodic environment. These rhythmic jams expose the structure of the lyrics that define the opportunity to make a change and be the change. The collaboration of the brothers introduced a type of music that is fresh to the ears of listeners of all ages.
https://www.cayucas.com/ https://www.facebook.com/Cayucas/ https://twitter.com/cayucasband?lang=en https://open.spotify.com/artist/7LLcRttKjV6PeJOlCNCYon
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