Interview with Linda Cherry - Testimony of Kidnap & Rape; advocate for Protecting Children
one year ago
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Linda Cherry shares her story of Kidnapping, Rape and an amazing story where as an 8 year old child she helped catch her predator who raped more than 30 children. She also shares for the first time an angelic visit years later, which changed her life for good!
Now a board member for Awake and Bold organization. Linda stand strong in helping to educate parents and children so they grow in knowledge and understanding of the signs, sight, and sounds of this war against them (focusing on the horrors of Child Trafficking and rape). She through Awake and Bold work to expose the signs or grooming; to give people a safe way to get help; and to give people an opportunity to help support the work of saving children, even if they are not boots on the ground!
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learn the signs... spread the word...and lets stop this evil together!
Jodi LoDolce
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