Dr. David Nelson Interview - Crossing Cultures International - OvercomersTV.Live #420 | FrankSpeech
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Dr. David Nelson is married to Mindy since 1983. They have two adult children, David Jr, who has three children (Serenity, Cole, and Dawson), and Ashley, married to Glenn, who have three children (Josiah, Stephen, and Micah). Dr. Nelson is the founder and president of Crossing Cultures International, a ministry that trains pastors and church leaders throughout 41 countries throughout the world. David has a Doctor of Ministry (Luther Rice Seminary), Master of Divinity and B.S. in mathematics and in cross-cultural church planting from Liberty University. David has 14 years of experience in cross-cultural church planting (Philippines, 1986-1999) and 6 years’ experience serving with Bible Training Centre for Pastors as the Asian Coordinator and 6 years’ experience as the missions pastor of the Crossing Church in Tampa, FL. In 2006, he started Crossing Cultures International (CCI). Through the CCI ministry, over 25,000 pastors and church leaders have been equipped to serve in local church ministry. CCI has 150 staff and national coordinators.
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